Sunday, January 27, 2008

Our Beloved Prophet

I just got news of our beloved President Hinkley. It's a better-sweet moment. He was a wonderful Prophet of God, and will be missed by many. I am thankful for his sweet, loving example. If only we could each accomplish a small portion of what he did in his 97 years. I am so blessed to have the knowledge that families can be together forever. Its amazing to think he is now with his bride and the ones he loves so much. God be with you till we meet again.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Shaela talking

Shaela is really growing up fast. She copies everything anyone does. Especially what Isaiah does. She's so darn cute! She's really starting to talk Too.

Pinewood Derby

This is Elijah's first Pine wood Derby. He had a lot of fun making his car. The missionary's came over and helped him melt the lead in the bottom to make it heavier. All the kids liked the torch they used. He got the award for "happiest" car. He won 1 out of 3 races. There is so much to learn with the first child. I new nothing about building a car before this, and with a little help from some friends and staying up late at night, Elijah and I created a master piece that did not fall apart on the track :) We had a lot of fun together .

Visit to Paul's House

I was able do visit Paul ( My Brother) and his family back in December & I was just looking back at the photo's and thought I would share some. We were able to go to an aquarium, and an old battle ship, and go last minute Christmas shopping until 3:00 Am. We had a lot of fun. My kids loved being down in North Carolina with their cousins.

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Great Wolf Lodge

So for a Christmas gift from Catherine, Miguel, Lisa and Steve, We got a 2 night stay at The Great Wolf Lodge. It was a blast! It snowed our first morning there, nothing stuck but it was coming down big and fast. The boy's favorite part was the indoor water park. They have this big bucket of water on the top of this big tree house that dumps a whole bunch of water down to the bottom. The boys would lay on the ground and let it dump right on them. It also has this huge water slide that 4 people can ride on. That was one of my favorite ones. We spent most of the time at the water park. But you can also buy these wands that open magic treasure boxes and things like that all around the lodge, so we did that too. We played games at night and drank hot chocolate and just had so much fun.

The Great Wolf Lodge

So this was one of My boy's favorite spots at The Great Wolf Lodge. Most;y Kandricks ut the boy's had fun too. Kandrick was pretty proud of himself for all the tricks he learned. He even had a few Fans that that he was pretty cool!

Shaela takes a bath

I was filling up the bath for Isaiah, and I left the BR for a minute when Shaela decided she wanted to take one too! So she jumped right in with all her clothes, Jacket and all! When I came back she was all smiles, she was so proud of herself.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Let it Snow

The weather said cloudy, then all of a sudden Big snow flakes came pouring down. It was coming down so fast and such big flakes and it was very dark in the sky. We drove to the store really quick and when we came out, The sun was out and it quit snowing. We were in the store about 20 minutes. It only snowed for about 40 minutes. The weather is so weird out here. But Isaiah wanted to play in it before it melted so him and I went out and played for a little while. He loves the snow!

Duanavan Loses His First Tooth

Duanavan has had his 1st loose tooth for a long time, He wanted to pull it out at school so he could get the tooth necklace that they give out. But the other tooth poked his little head though and has been out for a couple days so I got it really loose for him and he said "okay, now I can wait and pull it out tomorrow at school." So I said I would wait one more day but if it was not out by the time school was out then I as going to pull it. Well he went to bed and a few minutes later I heard," MY TOOTH CAME OUT" He was very excited. He had to call daddy at work and tell him. Isaiah has never seen a loose tooth before so Duanavan would let him wiggle it. Isaiah thought it was so funny. And I think the picture with Elijah is so funny. What's up with the nostrils man?

SunBeam & Nursery

Isaiah Becomes a sun beam and Shaela is at the age where she gets to go to nursery. Isaiah had a hard time at first but loves it now. Shaela was ready a couple months ago but you know how that goes. I was so glad that she was finally able to go to nursury because with our new church time at 11:00 it is right in the middle of her nap time.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


The boys wanted to stay up all night and they did. I think it was 1:30 am by the time they went to sleep. The last I heard from Duanavan was I'm not tired though. 5 Min. later He was out!

Ringing in the new year. Kandrick had to work but the kids and had chocolate Fondu, and watched Hary Potter. I fell asleep around 11:30pm thinking the kids would wake me up, but I woke up to Kandrick calling me at 12:05. Elijah and Duanavan were awake playing their DS's together. It was a pretty fun night.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Okay, thanks to Crystal I learned how to properly add photos. Thanks Crystal. And no Shaela was not eating anything, She had fallen outside and skinned her chin.